Join the world’s leading investors.

Build your own proprietary database where all data from deal flow and portfolio companies are centrally stored, analyzed and benchmarked.
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Centralized Data
Upload & Standardize all your 

proprietary company data using AI
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Automated Due Diligence
Unlock automated, in-depth company
assessments and scorecards
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Benchmark Companies
Benchmark companies
across >6,000 metrics
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Analyze Trends
Analyze historical trends and
forecast future performance
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Portfolio Reporting
Streamline your
Portfolio Reporting

We revolutionize how investors leverage proprietary data.

Intrinsiq is a data and business intelligence platform for private market investors, designed to unlock greater value from proprietary company data, institutionalize fund knowledge, enhance deal flow efficiency, and streamline portfolio reporting.
Join the world’s leading investors.

Proprietary Knowledge Base

A centralized and standardized data platform, where all Deal flow and Portfolio companies are stored, analyzed and benchmarked.

Proprietary Knowledge Base

A centralized and standardized data platform, where all Deal flow and Portfolio companies are stored, analyzed and benchmarked.

Proprietary Knowledge Base

A centralized and standardized data platform, where all Deal flow and Portfolio companies are stored, analyzed and benchmarked.

Investment teams

  1. Icon Element
    Fully automate your financial due diligence
  2. Icon Element
    Benchmark companies across +6,000 standardized metrics
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    Gain deep knowledge across sectors and markets

Finance teams

  1. Icon Element
    Cut back time spent on portfolio reporting by 90%
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    Get unrivalled insights into the performance of your portfolio companies
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Benchmark companies across 6,000+  KPIs
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Get access to exclusive valuation data
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Unlock in-depth market insights
How Intrinsiq works

One centralised database for all your proprietary fund data.

Build proprietary data infrastructure for all your Deal Flow and Portfolio companies to unlock unmatched insights and efficiency with AI.
Data input & standardization
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Upload and standardize company data in seconds.

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Input raw data

Easily input raw customer cubes, P&Ls, balance sheets or other relevant data.

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Upload multiple files

Upload Excel sheets, pitch decks or data from any source.

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Retrieve standardized financial data

Our proprietary AI technology maps all raw data to standardized financial categories from our extensive financial library.

Automated Due Diligence

Reduce company analysis from days to seconds.

Instantly gain a detailed overview of company performance. Obtain an edge over other investors and impress target companies with unmatched turnaround times and insights.
Tailored Benchmarks

Benchmark companies across 6,000+ KPI’s.

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Make head-to-head comparisons versus peers from your own database.
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Go beyond your own data and compare a company’s performance with the market.
Historical Trend Analysis

Track the progress of companies over time.

Identify patterns and analyze trends, in order to make accurate predictions for future performance.

Articles and latest news.

Join the elite of private
market investors.